
Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Foxy Columbine Flowers

Columbine Flowers Blooming
Columbine blooming in foxy planter

The columbines are starting to bloom! I love these no-fuss, drought-tolerant, beautiful perennial flowers. In our area, columbines die-back in winter, but they emerge again in the spring, bigger and better than the year before. I grow mine in a decorative foxy planter under the porch, but they would do just as well in a sunny garden.

Monday, April 22, 2019


Tennessee Grown Photo of Night Ember Daylily

I have been adding plants like crazy this year, and from unlikely sources. I normally purchase plants in-person or from plant catalogs, but this year I have purchased plants from Amazon. I was especially happy with the healthy Night Ember Daylilies I received from Tennessee Grown. The bareroots I received were noticeably larger than ones I would often receive from plant catalogs. I am so excited to see these bloom this summer!

Gardening: Knee and Back Saver

If you don't have a Garden Kneeling Pad, consider getting one. I have went years without one, but I finally decided to get one after my knees and back were aching over the long hours I have spent working in the garden. I have only used it for over a week, and it has already made a huge difference!