Photo: Two transplant flats are placed side by side inside a Target plastic shopping bag.
The handles are tied on the side.
You can easily start seedlings outdoors by growing them in individual greenhouses made out of old plastic shopping bags.
The seeds in my outdoor garden were taking a long time to germinate so I decided to start some more seedlings in pots. To accelerate the germination time, I transformed the pots into greenhouses by wrapping them in old shopping plastic bags and tying them shut. I placed the wrapped pots in a sunny location, and checked the bags once a day to make sure the soil was still moist and to see if anything had sprouted.
These shopping bags make a significant difference.
Early Corn Germination Times
Method Days to Germination
Burpee Seed Starter Kit (indoors)................................. 4
Plastic Shopping Bag Greenhouse (outdoors)...............5
Direct Seed Planting in Garden (outdoors)...................13
To check out my
other germination tips and methods click here.