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Tuesday, July 23, 2019

How to Re-bloom Orchids

Re-blooming orchid
Re-Blooming Orchid

I love orchids, but avoided buying them in the past because I never had much luck with them. The beautiful flowers would last a few months but would never re-bloom again. I have finally figured out the trick to re-blooming my orchids, and I wanted to share these quick, 4 easy tips with you.

Growing Medium – The orchids I bought were already in the right type of growing medium (e.g., fir bark and sphagnum moss). Unlike ordinary garden soil, this type of growing medium allows for good, quick drainage which is important for orchids. 

Watering – Don't over water your orchids. I was guilty of this. Now I just water the orchids once a week, but I make sure that the roots are never sitting in water. If the roots sit in the water for a long time, the orchid plant will die. I use ordinary tap water that has sat overnight in an open container to allow some of the chlorine to dissipate.

Feeding – I feed my orchids every other week with orchid fertilizer. I use Miracle-Gro Orchid Food, 8-Ounce (Orchid Fertilizer). This box will last a long time. I just dilute a 1/4 tsp of the fertilizer into 1 gallon of water.  

Lighting – I keep my orchids out of direct sunlight but I provide plenty of indirect sunlight. Our master bathroom happens to be the best spot for our orchids. The bathroom provides humidity and plenty of filtered sunlight. If an orchid is having trouble in one area in my house, I will rotate them with a plant that is thriving in the bathroom. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Foxy Columbine Flowers

Columbine Flowers Blooming
Columbine blooming in foxy planter

The columbines are starting to bloom! I love these no-fuss, drought-tolerant, beautiful perennial flowers. In our area, columbines die-back in winter, but they emerge again in the spring, bigger and better than the year before. I grow mine in a decorative foxy planter under the porch, but they would do just as well in a sunny garden.

Monday, April 22, 2019


Tennessee Grown Photo of Night Ember Daylily

I have been adding plants like crazy this year, and from unlikely sources. I normally purchase plants in-person or from plant catalogs, but this year I have purchased plants from Amazon. I was especially happy with the healthy Night Ember Daylilies I received from Tennessee Grown. The bareroots I received were noticeably larger than ones I would often receive from plant catalogs. I am so excited to see these bloom this summer!